Posted August 23, 2016 by Nicole Belanger

MicroGroup Announces Completion of First Phase of Laser Capacity and Capability Enhancement Program


The Ultimate System in Laser Technology

MicroGroup recently completed installation of a new state of the art Amada Delta Series laser processing workstation. This new system provides additional capacity for the tight tolerance, highly capable precision welding of medical and other precision components.

The new equipment is the 1st phase of a multi-year capital investment program that will increase MicroGroup’s already considerable laser capacity by over 25%, while continuing to invest in the latest equipment to meet our customers’ stringent quality and tolerance requirements.

551df64caf637a752517b73a770b3bbcdc95791b-precision-welding“Our laser capacity and capability enhancement program builds on our already considerable base of laser related technology and capabilities. It further reinforces our commitment to making meaningful reinvestments in our business to ensure we can help our customers successfully meet their product design and performance challenges.”
Bill Bergen, President of MicroGroup, Inc.

MicroGroup welcomes all OEMs to send a print, CAD file, or concept drawing of a development project to for a complimentary assessment and pricing proposal.

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