Posted January 19, 2015 by Nicole Belanger

Quick Turnaround Quotes – 1-800-ALL-TUBE!

quick_turnaround_quotesWhen you need a quote for off the shelf tubing, precision cuts or custom size tubing, MicroGroup’s team of All Tube Sales Representatives are ready to respond. Quotes can be done right over the phone from stock sizes to custom requests as well. Most stock sizes ship out in 24 hours or less, with over 7,000,000 feet of inventory. With the in-house ability to cut and draw, most stock and custom orders can be shipped in 2 weeks or less.

  • MicroGroup’s experienced All Tube Sales Representatives provide fast and accurate quotes; adding substantial value with time and cost saving recommendations
  • Business friendly hours are 8am-6pm Monday-Thursday and 8am-5pm on Fridays EST
  • MicroGroup’s sales staff is supported by its tubing online store – during off hours or for personal preference

Said William Bergen, President and CEO of MicroGroup, Inc., “We recognize how important rapid, precise responses are to our customers. By combining great experience and technical knowledge with a robust IT platform, we routinely meet and exceed our customer expectations for rapid service. We deliver this stellar experience in whichever method (phone, e-mail, or on-line store) our customers prefer.”

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